Pendant Lighting Red

Red Pendant Lighting

116 results

Free Shipping* on all red pendant lighting. A designer color for kitchens, dining rooms, and more, red pendant lights come in both traditional to modern styles.

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Add the Color with Red Pendant Lighting

Red pendant lights provide an eye-catching combination of form and bright color for your home décor. They are available in a wide range styles, shapes, and arrangements of lights, so you are sure to find a look the meets your needs. And did we mention the designer red colors? Our collection of red pendant light designs offers a brilliant range of color tones. Discover bright red hues, soft rose red colors, vibrant lipstick reds, and darker barn red pendant color tones. These are versatile visual designs that can be used in any room space, from kitchens to foyers and living room areas. Browse our collection for a red pendant that's right for you, or get advice on choosing red pendant light colors from a Lamps Plus expert.