Rugs Indoor-Outdoor

Indoor-Outdoor Rugs

192 results

Free Shipping* on our indoor-outdoor rugs. Prized for their utility and style, these rugs are equally at home on your porch or in your living room.

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What Are Indoor-Outdoor Rugs?

Over the years, the line between exterior and interior decor has become increasingly blurred, so much so that a most designers have done away with the belief that unique decorative rules apply at all! Today, outdoor entertaining areas rival some of the most stylish interior living spaces, making us wonder, "What makes the two areas different?" The answer is, not much at all. If anything, the only distinction is materials, which is actually what gets us so excited about indoor-outdoor rug designs. Here are a few of the key features:

  • Because many indoor-outdoor rugs are made with synthetic materials like polypropylene, they offer great benefits like stain resistance and waterproof construction - perfect for households with pets and kids or for use in high-traffic areas like the dining room!
  • With their recent popularity, these decorator favorites play to upbeat, contemporary trends like geometric patterns, fresh floral-inspired accents, and other intriguing themes. You're sure to find one that fits your space's personality!
  • Don't worry for one second that, if you incorporate an indoor-outdoor rug in your decor, you'll be sacrificing comfort. Today's designs are soft and cozy; plus, most are shed-free, making cleaning a breeze.
  • Last but not least, indoor-outdoor rugs are affordable and long-lasting, so you can be confident that whichever look you choose will give you years of style and comfort at a great price.
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